It’s Picture Time with Santa! and
PS, Rowan is Closing up (massage) Shop. Last year Mims told me, “I’d rather get poked in the eye with a stick than go to the mall to see Santa! with all three kids.” sooooooo, Sat Nov 28th, its on. Party starts at 2, snacks, see the chickens, get your picture made. And because we roll DIY, bring your phone or camera. We will provide the Santa*, the chair, fancy studio lighting. Oh, and its not just for the little ones:
So shoot me a message of hell yes and I’ll see you the Saturday after Thanksgiving. In other news, I’m legit closing my books Jan 1st (to almost everybody). It’s been fun. #butitsbacktoschooltime
In January I’ll be retuning to school to pursue an associates in midwifery. And like most midwifery programs it’s pretty intense. Which pretty much equals no more full time massage practice. Buuuuuuuuut, I also need to pay all my tuition upfront. And this book list. whoa. Still with me? I can keep six clients, and some of you we have already started chatting, who are interested in pre-paying for ten sessions. And because a deal is a deal, $1000 for ten sessions, to be used in full from now ’till Nov 2016. We will call this Rowan’s Tuition Fund. So think about it, vibe it, email me if you wanna. Don’t need to think it over? Get it right here. And thank you. Thank You. Thank YOU.
Rowan circa 1995
Thank you for all time we had together.
20 years, that’s unreal.
Moving forward I’ll be teaching more, the Labor Whispering website is near completion (Thanks Phil!) and soon I’ll be delivering more education for peeps who are interested in scar reduction and women’s health, especially VBACS. I have another Labor Whisperers training coming up, and then I’ll probably hold off on my next training till next summer. So if that interests you get in on the ground floor. I anticipate it’s going to blow up. BIG TIME. Here’s the link to register. Sure, I wanna be a Labor Whisperer! Lastly, If you have an unused gift certificate or an outstanding credit, please book in. Like now. Puhlease. Much Love, Rowan ps still looking for a Santa, or at least a suit. pps Annual bad movie night is coming up!